
Kiteboarding is an incredibly exciting sport. But taking a lessons to learn is essential. Kiteboarding is very safe, but if the rules are not followed it can be very dangerous for someone to attempt to learn by themselves. Many things can go wrong in kiting if you do not learn with an instructor. We pledge to give knowledgeable and safe lessons so you can enjoy the water with minimized risk. It is important the reputation of the kiting community stays in good standings to the general public, this means understanding how to keep yourself and other beach goers safe.

Several lesson options are available based off your preference. Lesson 1 is required to access Lesson 2 and 3.


Intro to kiting

This one (1) hour lesson will cover basic wind theory, important terminology, and flying a trainer kite.


-wind theory and when and where you can kitesurf or kiteboard

-directions, wind strength, and basic safety of surroundings

-intro to kite control flying a trainer kite

-basic fundamental motions of creating apparent wind

If you purchase the Intro to kiting and decide on a lesson package, the amount for the intro lesson will be credited towards lesson #1


1st lesson 4 hours

This course is the most important lesson. Kiteboarding safety and big NO’s in the kite community. Near the end of the lesson you will fly a full sized kite, but after thorough instruction.


-Includes everything from (intro to kiteboarding)

-Kite, Harness, helmet, and Wet suit fitting

-Kite setup and parts. learn to set kite up upwind and downwind based on location and yout launch plan requirements. Kite terms and parts of the kite to be aware of. Proper inflation and how to seal struts incase of an emergency pack down.

-The wind window. Why the times on the clock matter, wind directions, and speed. How to forcast safe conditions. When not to go out.

“its better to be safe on the beach wishing you were out having fun rather than stranded at sea wishing you were on the beach

-Safety flag out and depowering kite. What to do with unpredicted weather or if there is an emergency. how to safely flag out the kite in a dangerous situation.

-Launching and Landing. Safely use an assistant to help you launch and land your kite. The most dangerous moment of kiteboarding is the launch. It is very important to do correctly!

-Gear explanation. What board to use in different wind ranges, straps or boots? Kite sizes and shapes and what characteristics do different types of kites have

-Self Rescue. Incase the wind dies while out on the water, damage has been done to the kite, or some other emergency this part of the course is very important. learning how to get back to the kite without tangling in your lines and using the kite as a sail to float you back to shore.

-Kite control. Learn the parts of the control bar. Learn when and how to power and depower the kite to go where you need. learn power strokes and beginning stages of safe kite control

-Body dragging. power diving the kite with the safety of the water. learn to navigate through the water while holding the kite under control. Learn to body drag upwind. A necessary skill for getting back upwind if you drop your board.


2nd Lesson 3 hours

Must have taken Lesson #1

Learning how to maneuver with your board

Jet ski assistance for open water safety and to speed up all the time from the student drifting downwind.


-Review. quick lesson review. student sets up kite and launches with help from instructor

-Water Relaunch Learn how to relaunch the kite when it falls into the water. First in shallow water, second in deeper water

-Body drag with board. The easiest way as a beginner to get upwind in the beginning is to body drag using the board

-Water start. Learn to dive the kite while simultaneously standing up on the board

-Speed and line tension. during this portion on the lesson we will teach you how to slow down and speed up

-Emergency Packdown. Self rescue, but for situations the kite can be a hazzard getting back to the beach or if a boat is picking you up. how to deflate the leading edge while leaving the struts inflated for flotation.


3rd Lesson 3 hours

Must have taken Lesson #2

Self launching, riding upwind, changing directions, and self-landing

Jet ski assistance.


-Review. previous lesson review. student sets up kite and launches with help from instructor. Student must demonstrate a self rescue.

-Self launch and self landing. Its important to never kiteboard by yourself until you have a lot of experience. This portion of the lesson will demonstrate 3 different ways to self launch and 3 different ways to self land without someone to assist.

-Upwind riding. learn to ride against the wind efficiently so you decide when you go back to the beach. =)

-Changing direction. Kiters ride in a zig-zag fashion against, with, and across the wind. Learning transitions to ride the other way without having to stop is essential as you progress as a kiteboarder.

-Final ride. Continue to practice riding the board. Once you’re back to the beach we will take you back upwind with the jet ski. It takes hours to learn the sweet spot to ride upwind so be patient.

Lessons can be purchased in packages

-Lesson 1

-Lesson 1 + 2

-Lesson 1 + 2 + 3